MERLOT provides many Open Educational Services that you can use to support your own individual learning, learning within a classroom, learning for an entire K-12 or higher education institution, and training/professional development for non-profit and for-profit organizations.

How Can You Learn To Use MERLOT Easily?


The case studies illustrate the different ways that pedagogy, content, instructional context, and resources interact to create exemplary practices (or not so effective practices. You are welcome to contact the author of the case studies for further information.


Professional Development

The MERLOT Africa Network (MAN) recognizes that quality education and the professional development of faculty must be immersed within the discipline communities and institutional culture and be governed by the faculty themselves.

MAN is building on the efforts of MERLOT to empower local campus leaders within disciplines to develop communities of faculty who will discover, review, organize and disseminate exemplary practices for teaching and learning with technology.

MERLOT Africa Network Online Community

MAN welcomes you to our open online community for people interested in the MERLOT Africa Network (MAN). You are welcome to use the discussion forums and other online communication tools to ask questions, invite collaboration, raise issues, propose projects, or whatever you think will help advance the network of people and partners improving education in Africa.

You can send announcements, share information and discuss topics related to communication, ICTs, open educational resources (OER) and open access to scholarly publications (OA), and the development of networked partnerships across the globe. These activities are all dedicated towards sustainable social and economic development on the continent of Africa.

MERLOT's Professional Development Portals

In addition to the discipline-specific materials available in MERLOT, MERLOT has resources available to you that become essential professional development support services. The following portals make it easier for you to find the relevant resources for your needs.

Looking for Video Case Studies of Faculty and Students Explaining their Innovations in Teaching an Learning? Explore the MERLOT Elixr collection.

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About MAN
© 2007-2013 California State University
Concept and design by the Center for Distributed Learning